• Embracing antimicrobial enzymes

  • Facing down antimicrobial resistance

  • Improving productivity

The complete eradication of antibiotics in animal feed

Our mission

Because animals - not humans - account for two-thirds of antibiotics consumed annually.


The overuse of antibiotics is universally recognised as the root cause of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) - one of the top 10 threats to humanity.

Our science

We harness antimicrobial enzymes, known as endolysins, and complementary technologies to create feed additives that naturally destroy harmful bacteria -pathogens.

We know that to effect lasting change our products have to make not just health sense - but financial sense - to both farmers and consumers.

Good health - Good economics

The common - and ruinous - pathogen in poultry farming, Clostridium perfringens, responsible for the gut disease, necrotic enteritis.

Our first target

As a young business, we are proud our vision has brought together a world class team of scientists and agricultural industry professionals.

Our people

UK know-how

Our R&D centre is located in the heart of the UK's biotech "Golden Triangle" between Cambridge, London and Oxford.

Axitan UK Lab

US production

Our Tech Transfer centre is headquartered in the epicentre of the US poultry industry, Comer, Georgia.

Supporter of the World Health Organisation's and CDC’s One Health AMR programs

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